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07/25/2009 33-All over the place.

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  • #16
    which reminds me, I need to get that fan art section up.
    Cheetah - TJA Productions


    • #17
      Originally posted by bradypodidae View Post
      I like the little "Easter egg" graffiti set about the playing field, although the one about the fur alludes me.
      Linkin Park's Crawling. ^_^


      • #18
        Originally posted by V.Kyrie View Post
        I'm sure everyone would love to see more fanart.: )
        ~V.Kyrie (:*
        I must agree with V.Kyrie, seth, as you have already proven to be quite adapt and talented at such things...

        Originally posted by Ghostwish View Post
        Linkin Park's Crawling. ^_^
        ah... I'm really out of the music scene, though my Nephew would probably have caught the reference.

        I missed the mow on the barrel and probably would have never picked up on it if first BarGamer, then Rennis Tora hadn't mentioned it in the comic comment section.


        • #19
          Okay, friends- I'll try to draw something tomorrow for this thread. Heheheh Rod is an interesting subject to me.



          • #20
            Originally posted by sethtriggs View Post
            Okay, friends- I'll try to draw something tomorrow for this thread. Heheheh Rod is an interesting subject to me.

            I really can´t wait to see it!


            • #21
              Rod's...paintball musings...

              Okay here we go!

              This is semi-NSFW as it contains bra-covered boob!

              Attached Files


              • #22
                Wow, what a nice piece of art! I really love your fan arts! (lol hope you didn´t spoil next weeks comic accidentally ). Can´t wait to see the next one!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by GermanBadCat View Post
                  Wow, what a nice piece of art! I really love your fan arts! (lol hope you didn´t spoil next weeks comic accidentally ). Can´t wait to see the next one!
                  Yeah I'm hoping too! Believe me, I had to belabor this point quite a bit when drawing this piece...'am I stepping on V.Kyrie and Cheetah's toes?' So I am crossing my fingers big time here.

                  And thank you again for your very kind words! Everyone here is so nice.



                  • #24
                    Ha! "whimper" might be a bit of an understatement. Great work as usual, seth!


                    • #25
                      LOL, that looks great. I particularly like how Alexia came out.: )
                      ~V.Kyrie (:*
             All real, all the time.


                      • #26
                        great work seth it looks awesome, i wish i had any talent for drawing at all.
                        Last edited by ; 07-26-2009, 10:16 PM.


                        • #27
                          I am highly entertained by this. Awesome job.

                          and SG, you could just start drawing and practice at it. You should see one of my drawings 4 yrs ago in 2005 when I first joined here and posted work. It is absolutely terrible XD.


                          • #28
                            I think the biggest barrier to drawing is just believing that you can draw it. And of course the practice. Anyone can learn to draw, and that's a fact - it really is as simple as learning the hand-eye coordination to translate what you see into dragging a pen or pencil across the paper.

                            It's no more complicated than learning the hand-eye coordination for a video game or any other sort of motor task, and anyone can be taught such a motor task.

                            I try to ecnourage people all the time, especially since also a lot of them are afraid to do it due to criticism of others. People are afforded the ability to be caustic in their reviews of people online, that is true, but don't let that give you fear. There are supportive environments where people will learn to draw. Heck, googling my name will lead you to find I have a poor reputation for art in furrydom.

                            But the important thing to consider, out of all of this, is, do you want to draw? And if so, why? If you want to draw for fun, as another hobby, I support that.

                            Now, I must also caution you - because I see a lot of people do this - I even have some friends that do this. "I'm drawing but people aren't flocking to me, like {insert big name artist}." Never draw for acceptance for a group, or even for fame to start; it will be frustrating indeed. And note too that fandoms can be very finnicky and even fickle when it comes to the type of art they'll laud.

                            Sorry for the tl;dr but I just wanted to share a few thoughts.



                            • #29
                              i actually have tried to draw in the past, i find that my biggest road block is that a part of me is a perfectionist (dont tell any one i said that, one look at my room says other wise) but i start fussing over a line thats not just right, or something just dosent look right... i start to obsess and my frustration level rises to the point that i give up.... i have actualy had an image in my head that i wanted to draw, but i could never make the pencill marks on the page match the image. as much as i dont want to admit it, i do find that i express visions better in words. (much to the disbeleve of most of my english teachers in the past) when i can find insperation that is.


                              • #30
                                join the club that is "artist" I don't know how many thousands of times Ive done the same exact thing. I guess it just comes down to how much your willing to let it go after the 500th try.

