E3: final day

phew…  I never thought that jet lag would effect me so much.  It’s taken me this long (E3 ended last Thursday) to get back to normal.  Not only was my sleep screwed up, but my eating was really screwed up.  I didn’t know when to eat… or when I should eat and Iwas hungry at strange times.  I guess looking back I should have sticked to my own time zone schedule and I would have been fine.  Oh well… next time.

So with it being the last day of my trip I had the joy of packing up and hauling all my stuff around with me all day since my flight didn’t leave until 10:30 that night.  But before I did that, I decided to go down to the beach and dip my feet in the water.  I just could leave with out sticking my feet in the ocean.  Okay, with that done I made my way back to downtown LA but not to E3… Oh, no.  I made one last trip to Little Tokyo.  I just had to have a bowl of ramen at Mr. Ramen.  I also debated getting more toys, but backed down because I freaked out about how much I was spending.  Which in hindsight wasn’t much at all.

So anyway, I had a bowl of Ramen, which was the biggest god damn bowl or anything I’ve ever had in my life.  Seriously.  I couldn’t possibly eat the whole bowl so I took half to go.  Then I almost lost half of it due to a popped lid and later almost fell down some stairs in the Metro trying to carry it all.  But I survived. ^_^  I also got to see an open air organic food market in front of city hall too.  It was great and I even bought some fruit for later.

So back at E3, I wander some more and tried to check out the things that I missed.  It was on this day that I played more games then the previous two days.  I also stood in a few lines to try things.  I told myself that I wouldn’t stand in a line until the last day.  There was too much to see to stand in a line early in my opinion.  So I stood in a line to play the new Zelda DS game, which was pretty sweet.  It plays really well, but is that really surprising?  I played some PSP go (Little Big Planet) and was pleased with what I saw.  No real surprises there.  I played more Sin and Punishment 2 because the game just is too awesome.  I mean… it’s really great and it’ll be on to get… in 2010.  Ugh, such a long wait.  I played some Cursed Mountain on Wii, which was great.  I loved the feel of the game and the atmosphere is equally fantastic.  Transformers on the 360 is also lots of fun too.  If you’re looking at getting it, you shouldn’t be disappointed.  A little more wandering around, a few more photos and it was time to leave E3…  so sad…

I made my way to the airport with plenty of time to spare.  I had to eat and drink a bunch of things before I got though the security checks though.  Now, I should say that I never sleeping cars.  Never, so why I thought I would sleep on a plane I’ll never know.  So yeah, I was stupid, crazy tired at the airport and even tried to sleep a little there before the plane.  No dice.  I didn’t sleep on the plane ether, surprise, surprise…  So I stayed up all night and watched the sun chase away the night at 37,000 feet.  And you know… it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen and something I’ll never forget.

So yeah… E3 was something great for me.  I don’t feel like I need to go every year though.  It was just something I wanted to do before I die.  Looks like I can check something else off the list ^_^

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