May 28 2012

E3 2012

Did you know that E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) is happening next week?  It’s true.  For those that don’t know what that is, it’s the largest North American video game trade show for the year.  It’s where we get to see all the new stuff coming out and hear about things yet to come.  It’s very exciting.

New for those of you that are already in the know, what do you expect to see this year?  Nintendo should show off more WiiU (it’s next console) but will Sony or Microsoft show anything regarding their new machines?  What games are you hoping will get announced or are just waiting to see more of?

I’m a Nintendo junky.  Always have been, probably always will be.  I’m looking forward to more WiiU news and I want to see what things they have planned for the 3DS.  Everything else is just gravy.

I went to E3 way back in 2009.  I’ve only ever been once, but it was pretty damn awesome.  I’d love to go again, but it can get expensive.  Plus it’s not fair for me to run off to California and leave my family up here in Canada.  At least, that’s what I tell myself (snicker ^_^).

Jun 9 2009

E3: final day

phew…  I never thought that jet lag would effect me so much.  It’s taken me this long (E3 ended last Thursday) to get back to normal.  Not only was my sleep screwed up, but my eating was really screwed up.  I didn’t know when to eat… or when I should eat and Iwas hungry at strange times.  I guess looking back I should have sticked to my own time zone schedule and I would have been fine.  Oh well… next time.

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Jun 8 2009

E3: day three

So what happened on day 3 at E3? Well, I’ve come to realize that as cool as it is being at E3, I miss all the news and announcements. I know, I know… it sounds strange. But the news is what I love hearing the most and I’m missing it all playing all the games. ^_^

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Jun 3 2009

E3: day two

Oh my god are my feet sore! Walking around the convention floor can really wear a guy down…

Well, let’s see now, where to start. Well, I woke up this morning at about 4am because I’m still stuck in my time zone. Suck. So I got up and took some more pictures. Later, once everything opened up, I found myself at a crepe restaurant. It was there I had the pleasure of having a lemon and sugar crepe for breakfast. Man… it was super tasty!

Soon after that I made it to the hotel and on to a shuttle bus for E3. When I got there I didn’t even have to make in to the building before I got my first E3 swag. It was a bottle of water promoting a new Wii game called Firefighter. I saved it for later as I figured I’d need it.

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Jun 3 2009

E3: day one

It’s all so perfect and so far the trip has been good.  The flight went up and then down in the appropriate fashion.  No worries, although I could smell someones booze on the plane and it made me feel nauseous for the rest of the day… and add on a headache and it made for a not so pleasant evening.  But if that’s the worst of it then that’s not so bad.

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Jul 15 2008

E3 – post 142

So over the past two days E3 has been going on and Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Capcom, Ubi and other developers have been talking the talk. So what as a gamer do I have to look forward too? Not a whole lot. That’s not to say I’m losing interest in games… oh heck no. I just find that I’m not at all interested in the these online, multi player, download movie abilities that the 360 and the PS3 can do. I just want games.

Most of the games they showed we’ve been expecting to come down the pipe line soon. E3 just gave us official trailers of when we’ve been waiting for. Gears of War 2, Sims 3, Animal Crossing Wii, God of War 3, Final Fantasy IIIV, more Street Fighter 2, more Prince of Persia, more Resident Evil 5, etc, etc…. Although FFIIIV being on the 360 is quite the shocker and I’m sure that Sony fans are crazy pissed about that. But yeah… nothing there gets me excited.

The Wii’s new add-on that makes the Wii-mote have 1:1 movement is neat but a little late. I don’t see me picking it up until I really need it to play a game. Wii Sports Resort looks fun too, but I still have fun with regular Wii sports so I’ll wait on it too, and Wii Music just looks… meh.

If anything has me jazzed it’s the announcement of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for DS. Not that I’m a huge GTA fan but it was mentioned that Rockstar has made it’s own original engine for the game. I would really like to see what they can do with this engine. Will it be a 3D game or just a top down. How will they make a whole city in the DS? The DS is no PSP. Maybe they’ve just made a small section of a city. Could they be doing some sort of seamless loading for the city so it’s just done in chunks? Oh I so do want to see. More from a developer standpoint then anything.

So yeah… no real big news this year. I know everyone I’ve been talking to is bummed that there is no big shocking news this year.

What about you? Is there big E3 news that get’s you moist?