Two Tinks

I’ve found that since I started this Tinkerbell folio I’m constantly on the look out for other Tinkerbell merchandise.  Mostly to see how other artists have drawn her.  I’m noticing that all artists seem to draw her a bit differently.  Which is understandable… I guess.  You’d think that who ever approves these at Disney would have a more critical eye when it comes to illustrations of one of their key characters.

During my study of Tink, I’ve noticed that there are now two different versions that Disney markets.  There is the classic one which has some attitude and sex in her.  She’s marketed to adult Disney fans.  Then there is the CG one that is marketed to kids.  This version is cuter, friendlier and more helpful to other characters around her.

The one that I’m basing my folio after is the CG one.  I find the appeal much greater then the classic one.  Plus she comes with a whole troop of friends in which to have fun with. ^_^

As for the fuzzy little Tink in the top picture.  I found her at a Toy’s R Us clearance table for only 25 cents!  Well, I couldn’t just leave her there, so she came home with me and is now the supervisor on the folio.  I better get back to it… she’s a real slave driver.

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