Oct 4 2016

BJ Brittany

It’s been a long while since I’ve done any Chipettes art. That’s a crying shame it is. I have a rough drawing sitting around for a few month of Brittany give Dave (?) a nice knob polish. I guess it’s time to share it rather than keep her to myself. Enjoy. ^_^

Dec 14 2015

Mini Chipette Flood!

I have here some Chipette pictures that I’ve yet to post. Just holding on to them I guess. I put them up on IB, but never got around to putting them up here. A bit shy I guess. Well, the wait is over. They’ve been added to the gallery like the rest of them. Enjoy! ^_^

Does anyone even check for new Chipette stuff anymore?

Jan 21 2013

First Chipette Picture of 2013

I don’t normally do backgrounds on my art… because I’m lazy.  But I really wanted to try one out on this one to create more atmosphere.  How did I do?  I think I did okay, but it is something I need to work on more.  Also, I think this is the first time I’ve hooked up Alvin with Brittany.  I usually like to swap them around.  It’s just more fun that way. ^_^

Messy version after the link.

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Apr 15 2012

3D Brittany

I sent this out a few days ago over SwapNote on my 3DS. It’s not the first picture I’ve done with that new 3DS app, Colors! 3D, but it is the first naughty one. It’s a nice challenge trying to paint something in it. You really have to think where you want your depth to be in the final image. Especially when you only have five layers at you disposal. But last year I spent a lot of my time working in this sort of 3D envoronment due to a project, so it wasn’t that bad. It’s time consuming, but I rather enjoyed it.  The coolest thing about the program is that I can play it back and watch the full picture being created.  I don’t think I can rip that from the 3DS and show people… sure is neat to watch though. ^_^

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May 5 2010

Double Brittany

So I’ve made a new Chipette’s cross section picture.  Why?  Because I love doing them.  See, I love to take popular (or past popular characters and make them all hardcore and such.  There is an issue with The Chipmunks and Chipettes…  They seem a bit young and so I can’t post them on FA.  I do age them up a bit, but I prefer to keep them close to the original models.  Close to what people remember them to be.  Does this make them more loli then I should be making them?  Should I age them up more?  Do I go too far or is it cool with you because they’re just cartoons?  What’s your opinion on these characters?  Oh, and you can see the finished piece after the link.

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