Apr 15 2012

3D Brittany

I sent this out a few days ago over SwapNote on my 3DS. It’s not the first picture I’ve done with that new 3DS app, Colors! 3D, but it is the first naughty one. It’s a nice challenge trying to paint something in it. You really have to think where you want your depth to be in the final image. Especially when you only have five layers at you disposal. But last year I spent a lot of my time working in this sort of 3D envoronment due to a project, so it wasn’t that bad. It’s time consuming, but I rather enjoyed it.  The coolest thing about the program is that I can play it back and watch the full picture being created.  I don’t think I can rip that from the 3DS and show people… sure is neat to watch though. ^_^

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