Sep 25 2012

Game Center CX Translation

Recently, I’ve been watching all the translated episodes of Game Center CX I can find.  I came across a forum post on the Something Awful Forums that lists all the episodes they’ve translated and I’m so grateful to those that have done all this work.  My full collection of the episodes goes from the beginning all the way through to season 13 (over 100 episodes), but very few were translated.  I’m currently replacing all the episodes that I can with the translated ones.  Not that I don’t care for the old ones.  I love the show (probably my favorite) and still find it very watchable even with out the subtitles.  But it is nice to know what’s being said or laughed at.

I recently watched the Castlevania 3 eps.  That is one game I never did finish.  I remember it being way to hard to beat on a weekend rent.  Next is Gargoyle’s Quest for the NES.  I never played this one ether, but I own the GameBoy version which is fantastic.

Have you ever seen or heard of this show?  How about the DS game that came out for it?  I own it and love it!  Needless to say, I’m a huge fan, and I can’t wait to order the DVD’s when they come out.  ^_^  Now I just need to find the newest episodes to download.

UpdateDownTown Fanpage has a much larger list of down loads for Game Center CX!  Woo!

Mar 9 2009

Retro Game Challenge – post 365

So I’m tying out this new game called Retro Game Challenge for DS. It’s based off a show in Japan called Game Center CX. I posted about it a while back but here’s a quick refresh. It’s a “reality show” where you watch a guy play video games. Old video games. Like… NES games. He’s never played them before and it’s fun to watch him as he experiences them.

Anyway, this game is basically a bunch game challenges but the games are done up all old NES style. There are some top down shooters, a racer, a platformer and an old school RPG. On top of that the story that happens between the challenges ia set during 1980’s and feature two kids (one being the host of the show as a kid) as they wait to play the latest releases. You even get to thumb though game magazines and get tips and cheats for the games you play during the challenges. It’s all kinds of awesome and really brings back the feeling of waiting to play NES games from back in the day. I must have had the biggest smile on my face as I played the games. ^_^

Now the challenges are pretty easy I must say (that or I’m just super awesome) and the games aren’t licensed titles. They’ve been totally made up for the game but in all honesty, I didn’t care. I was nice to play some new kinds of NES games in these high poly, normal map days we live in.

So yeah… Retro Game Challenge DS totally makes me smile. I hope they bring out the sequel here. ^_^

Dec 2 2008

game center CX – post 273

Do you like to play video games?

Do you like to watch people play video games?

Well, if you answered “yes” to both then this show is for you. It’s called Game Center CX (or Retro Game Master) and it’s about a guy that plays video games… and you watch him. Actually, it’s a bit more in depth. It stars Shinya Arino, one part of a comedy duo in Japan, and he plays some of the best classics from the golden years of gaming. His challenge for each episode is to beat the game he’s playing in one day (sometimes it goes over for two days). He has Assisstant Directors there to help him if things get really challenging during the game play in the way of moral support or level help. He even has titles for his position at the game center. The better he does (more games he beats) the higher his rank and the better the office he gets to play in. If he does poorly and doens’t complete his challenges, he might drop down a rank have to go back to a lower standing office. This actully happend once when he failed to complete 4 games in a row (UltraMan, Final Fight, Adventure Island and ActRaiser).

One of the neatest angles of the show is that Shinya Arino has never played these games before. So you get to see, and sort of relive the experience of these games though his as a first time gamer. How cool is that? He plays game that we know and love like Contra NES, Super Mario Bros 3, Mega Man 2, Ninja Gaiden and Prince of Persia and less known or Japanese only ones like Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom, JJ & Jeff and Doraemon. There are also segments where he visits old arcades, plays old systems in his home and even interviews some game desingers.

The show has gone on for 10 seasons now and even has DVD released boxsets in Japan (and maybe in North America too). You can watch a lot of the episodes here as I’ve been doing but be warned, they are all in Japanese. But that doesn’t mean you can’t watch and understand the frustration or joy on Shinya Arino’s face and he attemps these game challenges.

Oh, here is a site with full info on the show. Check it out. I higly recomend it. ^_^