Apr 25 2012

Know your audience

Senran Kagura, the 3DS game with sexy ladies with big boobs, is getting a promotional product to go along with it’s sequal.  A box of tissues.  You know… for clean up.  Now that’s knowing your audience. ^_^

Apr 21 2012

Senran Kagura 2

Remember that 3DS game that I mentioned before.  It’s the fighting game with the boobs?  Well it’s getting a sequel.  From what I’ve found out Senran Kagura Burst will be similar to the first with an adventure part and an action part.  Not sure what the difference is between the two, I think one is more mission based and the other is more character interaction.  You’ll also be able to pick different outfits for your lady ninja’s which then can be damaged and ripped during combat.

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Apr 16 2012


Surrealism is something that I’ve always loved.  Particularly surreal sculpture and stop motion.  I pretty much had forgotten my love of this type of art until a music video came through on my 3DS.  The song is called The Rifle’s Spiral by The Shins and it’s directed by Jamie Caliri.  I watched the video and, while I really liked the song, I found myself mesmerized by the video it’s self.  Even though it’s just a short 4 min clip, I loved the magical theme that runs through it and the creepy characters the inhabit this world.

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Apr 15 2012

3D Brittany

I sent this out a few days ago over SwapNote on my 3DS. It’s not the first picture I’ve done with that new 3DS app, Colors! 3D, but it is the first naughty one. It’s a nice challenge trying to paint something in it. You really have to think where you want your depth to be in the final image. Especially when you only have five layers at you disposal. But last year I spent a lot of my time working in this sort of 3D envoronment due to a project, so it wasn’t that bad. It’s time consuming, but I rather enjoyed it.  The coolest thing about the program is that I can play it back and watch the full picture being created.  I don’t think I can rip that from the 3DS and show people… sure is neat to watch though. ^_^

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Apr 6 2012

Colors! 3D

So an app for the 3DS has been released and I’ve been waiting for this one for a while now.  It’s called Colors! 3D and it allows you to paint pictures on the 3DS with 5 levels of 3D.  It’s not a Photoshop replacement by any means, but I am excited to see if I can paint some naughty/sexy 3D paintings.  I’ll be able to share them with people via Swap Note on the 3DS.  Any requests or suggestions? ^_^

Mar 27 2012

3DS Birthday

So this day marks the 3DS’s first birthday.  It’s been a rough year for the portable what with slow to start sales, the e-store late to the party and a not so great game line up fr most of the year.  So how do I feel about my own 3DS?  Well, I still only own one game for it, Super Street Fighter 4, but I’ve been super happy with my purchase.  I bought it when it was crazy expensive which kind of sucks, but I really love having the 20 free games Nintendo offered after the price drop.  I play the NES games when I can only get a few moments of game time and the GBA titles in between DS games.  I say in between DS games because I use my 3DS to play those titles mostly.  Although I have downloaded a few games like Cave Story and Shantae: Risky’s Revenge plus any demo I can.

Before the 3DS all I used was my DS.  That’s regular DS.  Not a Lite, the old DS Phat, so I was about due.  I’m not sorry about buying it early.  Heck, I use the thing every day!  I check my Nintendo Video and Swap Notes.  I love getting Street Passes and trying for new hats for my Mii or puzzle pieces.  I know others that bought one that are not happy with it and I can understand why.  But for me… I love it.  Maybe one day I’ll buy a new 3DS game for it. ^_^

3DS Friend Code – 3523 – 2038 – 5290