Feb 5 2012


My son as of late has gotten in to Pokemon.  He watched an episode last week and was totally hooked.  Even his older sister watches it with him.  I never watched the cartoon back when the original was on.  I was in college though so that might have something to do with it.  I did play the games though.  Own Pokemon Blue for GameBoy and Silver for GameBoy.  I played the crap out of Blue and even caught all the Pokemon for the thing.  I slowed down on Silver though.  I felt like I had just played this game and so the drive for catching everything was gone.  I haven’t played another one since.

Now that my kids have taken an interest in the current generation of Pokemon, I find myself looking at the show kind of sideways.  So, there’s this trainer that goes around and captures animals, trains them to fight against other animals and trainers.  Oh, and he/she keeps them them in a small animal home when they’re not fighting.  I’m pretty sure you can get arrested for that sort of thing. ^_^ I’m not about to stop them from watching the show.  Heck, I watch the show with them and I enjoy it too.  I just think it’s funny that 13 years and 2 kids later I look a Pokemon now and think… really?

Where you ever in to Pokemon back in the day?  Did you catch them all?