Feb 21 2012

I Won!

So this week I was at some healthy eating thing at my kids school.  It was a pretty fun and we learned some things, as one often does at events like this.  At the end of the evening there was a draw for some prizes  AND WE TOTALLY WON!  What we walked away with is new crock pot (slow cooker).  Which is cool, but we already have one.  We got it as a wedding gift and it’s the biggest damn crock pot you’ve ever seen.  I could cook other crock pots in my crock pot.  This new one is about a medium sized pot.  Not sure what we’re going to do with it honestly.  Maybe we’ll gift it to someone.

I don’t win things very often, and by that I mean never.  So this was pretty exciting even though we had one already.  What was the last thing you won?

Feb 21 2012

Family Day Weekend

It was a long Family Day weekend here in Canada.  I spent the day with my family and my brother-in-law’s family.

What did you do this past weekend?