Feb 8 2012

Lost Save

The other day my son asked if he could play my Mario Kart DS.  I said sure, I had no problems with that.  Later he calls me over to show me what he doing in the game.  I instantly noticed that certain drivers where missing.  After a quick investigation I discovered that he had gone and erased all my data for the game. o_O All the karts… gone.  Drivers… gone…  Everything was as if I just took it out of the box.  Sigh… oh well.  It’s not a big deal.  It’s only a game, and I wasn’t mad.  A little sad, but not upset.  So, we’ve begun the task to try and unlock everything… again.  It’s not the first time he’s done this.  He erased my daughters Zelda: Minish Cap save game too.  She was mad about that for sure.  See, he’s only 4 and just starting to understand words.  He knows “yes” and “no” and he knows how to press buttons, but always not the purpose of said button.  Oh, well.  He didn’t mean to and it would ridiculous to punish him for such a trivial thing.

Have you ever lost a game save due to a niece, nephew or sibling?  Or, have you ever deleted one on purpose just so you could find everything all over again?