Mar 11 2012

First BBQ of the Season

So today we broke out the BBQ for the first steaks of the season.  I know that some of you BBQ all year long, but in our house it gets put away for the winter.  Which is kind of good because then you really can’t wait to bring it out again when it gets nice out.  Today as we where walking our Beagle we could smell others coking on their BBQ’s.  It smelled so good my wife said we should bring ours out too.  So once we got home I wheeled it out and cleaned her up.  We where also lucky that we still had some propane left in the tank.  Yup, it was a pretty good beginning of March Break… except for the damn Day Light Saving thing… I hate you so much…

Mar 11 2012

Talking to Girls

I just got done watching Crazy Stupid Love with my wife.  It was a pretty good movie and we both enjoyed it, but that’s not what this post is about.  It’s about talking to girls.

In the movie there is this character that is one of those smooth talking guys that can easily talk to women.  He could talk to any women in  a room and end up with her in his bed.  Amazing.  I know that he’s only a character in a movie but I do know there are people out there that can do this.  They are able to talk to the opposite sex with such ease and confidence that it boggles the mind.  I was never the type to find it easy to talk to girls.  I do remember some words that a friend of mine gave me when it comes to talking to women.  He said “On a 1 to 10 scale, if you think you’re a 3, you’ll only ever get a 3.”

My wife always finds it strange that guys have such a hard time talking to women.  She said that it’s all about confidence.  If you walk up and are all wishy washy, you’ll never get what you want.  But if you talk with total confidence, then you’ll stand a good chance at getting that lady you had your eye on.

Any smooth talkers out there with the opposite sex?