Mar 27 2012

3DS Birthday

So this day marks the 3DS’s first birthday.  It’s been a rough year for the portable what with slow to start sales, the e-store late to the party and a not so great game line up fr most of the year.  So how do I feel about my own 3DS?  Well, I still only own one game for it, Super Street Fighter 4, but I’ve been super happy with my purchase.  I bought it when it was crazy expensive which kind of sucks, but I really love having the 20 free games Nintendo offered after the price drop.  I play the NES games when I can only get a few moments of game time and the GBA titles in between DS games.  I say in between DS games because I use my 3DS to play those titles mostly.  Although I have downloaded a few games like Cave Story and Shantae: Risky’s Revenge plus any demo I can.

Before the 3DS all I used was my DS.  That’s regular DS.  Not a Lite, the old DS Phat, so I was about due.  I’m not sorry about buying it early.  Heck, I use the thing every day!  I check my Nintendo Video and Swap Notes.  I love getting Street Passes and trying for new hats for my Mii or puzzle pieces.  I know others that bought one that are not happy with it and I can understand why.  But for me… I love it.  Maybe one day I’ll buy a new 3DS game for it. ^_^

3DS Friend Code – 3523 – 2038 – 5290