Mar 24 2012


We all have chores to do.  There’s the dishes to do and laundry to take care of.  Floors to vacuum (or sweep) and general clean up in and around the house.  Now, of those or any other chores you might have on your list, which do you hate the most?  Which ones can you not stand in the least and would love to avoid.  Me, I generally take pleasure in doing chores.  I like knowing that I’m working to making the place better and/or cleaner.  I love knowing that progress is being done and I love to be as efficient as I possibly can.  But if I had to pick, I’d say that I hate to deal with dishes that need to be soaked to get baked on stuff.  I hate gross food water.  It totally makes me gag.  Ugh!  I’ll just about anything else to get out  that task.  I’ll pick up dog poo from the back yard before I tackle food water.  Seriously…