Mar 26 2012

Pretend Lottery

Let’s play pretend for a moment and imagine that you just won the lottery.  Holy crap!!!  You’re a millionaire!!!  16 million dollars for those looking for a more exact amount.  What are some of the things that you might do?  I know first off we would pay off all our debt.  Next, we would give amounts of money to family or pay for things that they really need.  Like a new car or pay off a mortgage.  After that we would renovate the house and update all the things we’ve been wanting to.  I’m sure after that we’d buy ourselves things that we’ve been wanting and probably go on a vacation or two.  Finally, we would save a bunch for later and make some donations to special causes that we would like to support.  I think that would just about cover it.  Maybe I’d start up my own game studio too.

Do you know anyone that’s won a large amount in a lottery?  I know some that have won smaller amounts.  Like $10,000 or so.  The money goes fast regardless how much though if you’re not watching it.  I’d be afraid that we’d blow through it so I’d make sure we keep a close eye on it.  I’d want to make sure that there is lots to live off of when I’m old and can’t draw anymore.