Apr 30 2012

Sola to Robo… mine!

Today my wife surprised me with a DS game!  I’ve been looking to get Sola to Robo for some time now and she was able to track one down in the city.  A new copy none the less complete with the soundtrack too!  What makes this story awesome is that I surprised her with a shirt that she’s been wanting for some time now.

Aren’t we so adorable to present each other with gifts on the same day?  Yes… yes we are. ^_^

Apr 29 2012

Two Tinks

I’ve found that since I started this Tinkerbell folio I’m constantly on the look out for other Tinkerbell merchandise.  Mostly to see how other artists have drawn her.  I’m noticing that all artists seem to draw her a bit differently.  Which is understandable… I guess.  You’d think that who ever approves these at Disney would have a more critical eye when it comes to illustrations of one of their key characters.

During my study of Tink, I’ve noticed that there are now two different versions that Disney markets.  There is the classic one which has some attitude and sex in her.  She’s marketed to adult Disney fans.  Then there is the CG one that is marketed to kids.  This version is cuter, friendlier and more helpful to other characters around her.

The one that I’m basing my folio after is the CG one.  I find the appeal much greater then the classic one.  Plus she comes with a whole troop of friends in which to have fun with. ^_^

As for the fuzzy little Tink in the top picture.  I found her at a Toy’s R Us clearance table for only 25 cents!  Well, I couldn’t just leave her there, so she came home with me and is now the supervisor on the folio.  I better get back to it… she’s a real slave driver.

Apr 28 2012

New Commissioned Piece

This new pic is a result of my art for games trades.  It also a rare commission where I get to make the character based off a photo of the commissioner.  I did it once before, it’s lots of fun and a great challenge.    What was also a challenge was putting in those game characters with out having them over power the figure.  I think I tried 4 or 5 different ways before I was happy with this one.  The commissioner loved the result, and I’m happy with it too.  Yay!

Apr 27 2012

Dancing eyes cancelled

Way back in 2008, post #262.  I did up a review of an adult Mame game called Dancing Eyes.  It’s this crazy puzzle game where you run this little monkey character around this grid on the clothing of an anime chick.  If you’re able to make a circle back to your starting point and make a box, the clothing there will disappear and revel some of her under garments.  Oh, and don’t forget to avoid enemies because they will end your game real quick.  You can read my full review here.

Continue reading

Apr 26 2012

Another shirt design

So my other shirt on Threadless is all done.  I don’t know if it’ll get printed or not.  I’m not sure if they even tell you if you’re a loser.  Anyway, thought I’d try it out again since the last one was fun to do.  Since gaming is a pretty big part of my life figured I’d do up a retro gaming shirt.  This design is more subtle and then the last one, but I generally like my stuff like that.  I don’t usually care for things that are all in my face.

So if you’re a retro gamer like me, then please wander over to Threadless and vote on my shirt.  Thanks again. ^_^

Play it Retro - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Apr 25 2012

Know your audience

Senran Kagura, the 3DS game with sexy ladies with big boobs, is getting a promotional product to go along with it’s sequal.  A box of tissues.  You know… for clean up.  Now that’s knowing your audience. ^_^