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The WWOEC Refugee Thread

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  • #76
    Welcome to all WWOEC refugees , you can feel at home here and I hope you'll have fun!!.


    • #77
      I know someone is now trying to bring back the older server by getting it from Cobra.. I realize all of you have lots of choices, and know that, no matter what you're always welcomed here. That we'll always strive to give you guys full control and the best time we can. So best hopes to all, but I do hope some of you plan to stay.
      Cheetah - TJA Productions


      • #78
        Originally posted by Cheetah View Post
        Well I'll say this so you guys have more piece of mind from crashes..

        TJA Operates on A Virtual Machine, That Operates on it's Own (Owned) Web Server that is Quadruple redundant for Backups and Hard Drives, NOW.. Add to that that DIRECTLY Below that server is an IDENTICAL server, that mirrors the first server in every way.. should ANYTHING fail the site can be brought up on the other machine within seconds. The Hard drives are covered by Western Digital, the servers are in a Tier 1 Hosting Rack Center, With 8 Back Up Diesel Generators and 45 minutes of full building UPS, and it's also on a hospital Grid. To say the least it would take Armageddon to shut them down. And even then we'd be up for a bit :P
        WOW, that is impressive!!

        Originally posted by Cheetah View Post
        Going to need and try to raise the $450 to get the vbulletin software updated and pay them to upgrade it since it's so far behind in version I don't want to destroy what's here already. You guys think it would be our of hand to try and do a fund raiser to do this?
        Not at all.
        By all means start one up, this will help us all in the long run.


        • #79

          Mostly lurked on WWOEC but sometimes posted in the Wrestling threads. Glad to be here

          Cheetah is an old hand here, he must be like what 28 now *ducks*
          "Say Goodnight Babs" "Goodnight Babs"
          Lisa: "I learned that beneath my goody two shoes lies some very dark socks.​"


          • #80
            Originally posted by Xasterix View Post
            Mostly lurked on WWOEC but sometimes posted in the Wrestling threads. Glad to be here

            Cheetah is an old hand here, he must be like what 28 now *ducks*
            LOL Started TJA at 15 in 1995.. so Going to be 36 In august.. I wish I were 28 LOL!
            Cheetah - TJA Productions


            • #81
              Ah yes 28, the age I lost my will to date people younger under 25. I remember that age.
              "Say Goodnight Babs" "Goodnight Babs"
              Lisa: "I learned that beneath my goody two shoes lies some very dark socks.​"


              • #82
                I'm a refugee from WWOEC. Glad to be here.



                • #83
                  Pleasure having you here .
                  Cheetah - TJA Productions


                  • #84

                    Im from WWOEC Thanks for letting me join here. I know this forum will be as good as WWOEC. I will miss WWOEC, but I am glad to be here. Thanks again.


                    • #85
                      Alangado here, another refugee from wwoec.

                      Thanks for the place. I was more of a lurker but these was some people in there I was really fond of.

                      Hopefully they appear here eventually.


                      • #86

                        I'm from wwoec too.

                        I'm here because i'm a Patreon to Incognitymous and he said he will post his work here.
                        In addition I'm looking for a new place were i can post the pics i colorize.
                        (mostly pictures from Incognitymous)

                        btw. English is not my native language :P

                        Thank You!
                        My Coloring Corner


                        • #87
                          *Crawls out of a darkened corner, his wings smoldering. He coughs once and expels a could of noxious green smoke. Turning around, he reaches back into the shadows and pulls out a broken sword and his BMFG. He slings the BMFG onto his back and rest the broken sword on his shoulder*

                          Dark Angel: Version 4.0 here. If you couldn't tell, I was definitely not prepared for the sudden shutdown of the WWOEC forum. I can't even tell you how long I was a member of that place, but it was a really, really long time. Hopefully between this place and Palcomix, which I am now a member of both, we can get everyone back and posting again. And, if the WWOEC forum comes back up, I'll try not to abandon the two places I call home now.
                          ""Ten no michi o Iki, Subete o Tsukasadoru otoko."
                          Translation: "Walking the path of Heaven, the man who will rule everything.""


                          • #88
                            Hello peoples. With the sad and unexpected reality of WWOEC's demise I am popping in to show that I have made an account here and to express that I will be trying to get something up and running around here soon. I will delve into it more in-depth when the time presents itself, but until then I'd like to ask some questions concerning the forums/gallery/hosting options. I will have to spend a bit of time organizing all of my images since I've returned so I figured it would be more time efficient for me to just ask than to research/try and find out.

                            1) Am I going to need to reach a certain number of posts to start a thread in the artist section? Or maybe obtain administrator approval? Just kind of wondering if I should pop in randomly over the next day or two and post in any certain areas in order to unlock any privileges, or if I need to PM any administrators/mods to get things going.

                            2) I see that the galleries area outside of the forums seems to offer a gallery format that allows comments on individual images as well as the option to host artist created blogs/sites. Same as question 1, am I going to need moderator approval to create something there? I have created an account in that section as well and it seems that it only allows me to create a commenter account. It would be nice to be able to give the gallery system a try, but it could also be nice to be able to host a personal site layout to link my Patreon to.

                            3) I am sure I could find this one out simply by looking around a bit but with refugees migrating in I want to make sure I am not just seeing someone else doing something wrong before I follow suit. While it appears that there is not a restriction on things like loli/shota, I'd just like to know if there is a tagging system I should use for such images. I would hate to upload a bunch of images just to find out a missed a step or two and have to go back and edit everything.

                            I think that about covers my questions for now. I would appreciate if I could get insight into my inquiries when the time comes to set things up, but if not then I guess I'll just try it out and see.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Incognitymous View Post
                              Hello peoples. With the sad and unexpected reality of WWOEC's demise I am popping in to show that I have made an account here and to express that I will be trying to get something up and running around here soon. I will delve into it more in-depth when the time presents itself, but until then I'd like to ask some questions concerning the forums/gallery/hosting options. I will have to spend a bit of time organizing all of my images since I've returned so I figured it would be more time efficient for me to just ask than to research/try and find out.

                              1) Am I going to need to reach a certain number of posts to start a thread in the artist section? Or maybe obtain administrator approval? Just kind of wondering if I should pop in randomly over the next day or two and post in any certain areas in order to unlock any privileges, or if I need to PM any administrators/mods to get things going.
                              We don't have restrictions of this nature, you'd be able to create a thread now.
                              Originally posted by Incognitymous View Post

                              2) I see that the galleries area outside of the forums seems to offer a gallery format that allows comments on individual images as well as the option to host artist created blogs/sites. Same as question 1, am I going to need moderator approval to create something there? I have created an account in that section as well and it seems that it only allows me to create a commenter account. It would be nice to be able to give the gallery system a try, but it could also be nice to be able to host a personal site layout to link my Patreon to.
                              That section is something I control directly yes, You'll want to participate here for a bit and then we'll be happy to get you set up on the gallery system, or a page of your own control depending on your needs at the time.
                              Originally posted by Incognitymous View Post

                              3) I am sure I could find this one out simply by looking around a bit but with refugees migrating in I want to make sure I am not just seeing someone else doing something wrong before I follow suit. While it appears that there is not a restriction on things like loli/shota, I'd just like to know if there is a tagging system I should use for such images. I would hate to upload a bunch of images just to find out a missed a step or two and have to go back and edit everything.
                              We do not have restricted content for our posts, simple rule "Don't start drama, keep it all fun"

                              Welcome to the site.

                              Cheetah - TJA Productions


                              • #90
                                Welcome Incog, it's nice to see you decided to join. As always I'm looking forward to seeing more of your godtier art. That latest Power Pack pic was amazing.

                                Just take your time to settle in and don't rush, we'll get there when we get there, one step at a time. But please if you're in contact with any other old members direct them here.
                                The gentle touch of violin strings

