Mar 25 2012

Strange Stats

So yesterday I received a ton of traffic to my little blog.  Why?  I have no idea.  I just know that I kept seeing my stat graph go up and up and up.  Up how much ask?  Well, normally I get 300 to 400 views for the day.  If I get a lot of traffic it’ll jump to 800 or maybe even 900.  But yesterday I received over 1,500 views. o_O  What the hell?  My stat tracker can’t track where all this traffic was coming from.  It was able to tell me the over 100 of them came from Hentai Foundry, but other then that I have no clue.

Even though yesterday was crazy… it wasn’t the craziest.  The best day I have ever had in terms of traffic was May 6th 2010.  It was the day I posted my Double Brittany image.  I had 2,939 views because of that image.  The next highest post made was for The Medusa and that had 1,999 views.

At least the top posts I have are for my art and not for something ridiculous I might have put up. ^_^  Oh, on a side note.  I’ve put up the option to subscribe to this blog on the side.  Enter your email and you’ll get a notification when I put up a new post.  Just one of the little things I’ve been trying to do to make the site better.

Mar 24 2012


We all have chores to do.  There’s the dishes to do and laundry to take care of.  Floors to vacuum (or sweep) and general clean up in and around the house.  Now, of those or any other chores you might have on your list, which do you hate the most?  Which ones can you not stand in the least and would love to avoid.  Me, I generally take pleasure in doing chores.  I like knowing that I’m working to making the place better and/or cleaner.  I love knowing that progress is being done and I love to be as efficient as I possibly can.  But if I had to pick, I’d say that I hate to deal with dishes that need to be soaked to get baked on stuff.  I hate gross food water.  It totally makes me gag.  Ugh!  I’ll just about anything else to get out  that task.  I’ll pick up dog poo from the back yard before I tackle food water.  Seriously…

Mar 23 2012

I Draw Too Much

Sometimes I draw too much.  Recently my drawing have involved… my work, where I draw or I’m at least creative for 8 hours during the day, then I do free lance at home too or commissions.  Oh, plus the Tinkerbell portfolio too.  Did I mention that I usually draw during my lunch time too?  It adds up.  I pile it all on myself though so I have no one to blame but me.  The crazy thing is… I love to draw.  Art is pretty much my life but I need to learn to take more breaks.  Step away from it from time to time.  When I’m not drawing, I feel like I should be and that’s not right.

I know I’m not the only one that feels like this though.  My buddy at work is the same.  He just wants to draw all the time too and we understand each other in this regard.  But again… I need to take a breath.  Now, I’m not saying I’m going away or anything.  Heck no, I wouldn’t do that.  I love drawing smutty things too much.  I just have to realize that  if I don’t draw in the evening… that’s okay.  There’s always tomorrow to draw something.

I wonder if other artists have this issue…

Mar 22 2012

The Simpsons

I’ve decided to watch all the episodes of the Simpsons from start to finish.  I used to watch them every Sunday back in the mid 90’s but slowly stopped as college took over.  I knew I’d seen a lot of them but I didn’t know exactly how many full seasons since most where in reruns.  Well I’m in to the 7th season and so far I’ve seen every single episode, which I’m kinda shocked about.  I figured there would be a episode here and there that I would have missed, but so fat that hasn’t been the case.

I thought that watching the first ones would have been really painful, but I quite enjoyed them.  I’ve actually been having a great time rediscovering all the really good episodes.  The one with Blinky the fish or where Marge fights cartoon violence.  I really like the one where Lisa gets a substitute teacher.  Flaming Moe’s is also and awesome episode (you fell on Aerosmith!)  as is the baseball one.  Mr Plow, Homer gets Apu fired, Bart and Lisa play Hockey, Homer’s Mom… I could go on  and on.

Not sure when I’ll get to an episode I haven’t seen.  I imagine it should be in the next season or two.  I know everyone says how bad the writing got, but I haven’t come across it yet.  So far it’s been all aces.  Anyone else out the Simpsons fans?

Mar 21 2012

3DS Fighting Game Sexy Gallery

So the other day I posted about Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls for the 3DS.  Well what better way to help promote the game then with a  gallery showing some sexy arts.  I’m not sure who the artists are for this or why exactly it was up, but regardless I would have been all over seeing this.  Why… WHY don’t we get things like this over here?!  Check out everything that I was able to find after the link.

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Mar 20 2012

3DS Fighting Game with Nice Assets

So there is this game for the 3DS that had one thing in mind.  Boobies.  The games designer, Kenichiro Takaki, knew this what people wanted to see when it came to 3D games.  Thus, Senran Kagura: Portrait of Girls was born.  It’s a beat’em up game that doesn’t hide that fact that the girls all have huge boobs.  In fact, it was designed to be that way!  ~sigh… yet another game that won’t make it over here.  Check out some pics and clip after the link.

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